Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Ultimate Stupidity of Muslims in Egypt and their government

The Muslims of Egypt are very stupid and hopelessly blind in their thinking and this is why they are oppressed by their governent and the Awkaf minstry.

The government owns and controls their own mosques and curtails their religious lives and how they practice it.

يجب على المسلمين فى مصر عدم تحديد النسل

يجب على المسلمين فى مصر عدم تحديد النسل بعد مجازر رابعه والنهضه والحرس الجمهورى و رمسيس و غيرها وسجن اكثرمن ٤٠٠٠٠ شاب مسلم فى السجون وحرمانهم من الزواج و تكوين اسره والانجاب٠ 

الاقباط مجرمين كبار شوفو شتايمهم فى الفيس-بوك وشوفو حيعملو ايه لما نسبتهم تزداد و تعلى٠ شوفو الصعيد والمنيا و .اسيوط و سوهاج اصبحت مستعمرات صليبيه و كيبوتس

منتجع اسلامى

يجب ان يكون هنالك منتجع اسلامى مقابل اى دير موجود فى مصر

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017

نصف احاديث صحيح البخارى يجب ان تحذف مدون شريف عبدالمنعم

نصف احاديث البخارى يجب ان تحذف٠ كثير منها لا يقبلها العقل و كثير منها مسيئه للقرآن وكثير منها مسيئه للرسول  وكثير منها قد تؤدى للالحاد للبعض وكذلك تستخدم للتحقير للإسلام فى الفضائيات المسيحيه٠ يجب على الازهر تنقية صحيح احاديث البخارى بصفه جذريه٠ فين الشجاعه والإعتراف بمشاكل كثيرمن احاديث البخارى وان كان هوعالم جليل خدم الاسلام ولكن فى يومنا هذا يجب بضروره ملحه تنقيح احاديثه لرفع و ستر الشبهات الكثيره التى يستخدمها اعداء الإسلام ضدنا٠

Friday, March 17, 2017

poem muhamed

What a year was 570 AD
A person was born, a prophet to be
Muhammed (ﷺ) that was his name
People were misguided and that’s when he came
He would go on to leave all the idols behind
He is an example to the whole of mankind
Rabbi-al-Awwal, in it was a day
He came to this world to show us the way
He was born in Mecca, the holiest place
A life full of challenges he was to face
Abdullah, his father, had by then passed away
Leaving Amina, his mother, in her arms he lay
Halima Sadia took over his care
Until he was six, our prophet was there
His mother then died, he was left all alone
Abdul Muttalib, his grand-dad then made him his own
When our prophet was nine, his grandfather died
Abu Talib, his uncle, became his new guide
In his 20’s,a merchant Muhammed (ﷺ) became by trade
Al-Amin (the trustworthy), became his grade
Khadija (r.a.) aged 40, became his bride
He was 25, with her by his side
To the poor, she gave away all her wealth
A dedicated wife in sickness and health
360 idols in the Ka’aba, there were at that time
Our prophet realised that this was a crime
He would go to mount Hira, leaving behind his wife
Reflecting and wondering about the meaning of life
Whilst thinking there in the midst of the night
He heard a loud voice which filled him with fright
It was the angel Jibreel (a.s.) who asked him to read
Our prophet couldn’t and didn’t take heed
The angel embraced him and then asked him later
‘Read, Read in the name of the Creator’
Who created man from a drop of blood
Our prophet couldn’t read but at that time he could
Our prophet rushed to the path straight ahead
He heard a voice from the heavens which said
Muhammed (ﷺ) truly you are the messenger of God
Muhammed (ﷺ) was scared and thought this quite odd
‘Praise be to God’ his wife said instead
‘I know you’ve been chosen as God’s messenger’ she said
And thus Khadija (r.a.) became the first woman of Islam
And over the next 23 years came the revelation, the Quran
He preached to all people, every creed, every race
Yet so many hardships he had to face
There were fears for his life, then the Hijra’h took place
He entered Medina, by the Almighty’s grace
He was greeted by the Ansaris who were not like the others
they treated the Muhajirs like their very own brothers
Then came the battles, fought face to face
Then the conquest of Mecca, Muhammed (ﷺ)’s birthplace
An-Nasr was revealed, it’s message was clear
Muhammed (saws) knew that his time was near
Everyone gathered to hear his last speech
little did they know how far Allah’s message would reach
Muhammed (ﷺ) gave us the miracle, the Quran
And now a 1/4 of the world follow Islam
He is our role-model, the best of mankind
And has left the Quran and his Sunnah behind
Read the Quran as much as you can
The words of Allah (SWT) for the guidance of man
And follow our prophet’s sunnah, when eating and dressing
And send him salutations and many a blessing

He came to mankind to show us the way
And Insha-Allah, we’ll meet him, we’ll meet him one day.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

يجب استخدام الموسيقى والفنون فى مجال الدين شامل

المسلمين فى مصر والعالم لازم ان يراعو العصر ويتاقلمو و خصوصا فى مجال الموسيقى والفنون

المسلمين فى مصر لازم ويتاقلمو فى مجال الموسيقى والفنون ...شريف عبد المنعم

المسلمين فى مصر والعالم لازم ان يراعو العصر ويتاقلمو و خصوصا فى مجال الموسيقى والفنون

يجب استخدام  الموسيقى والفنون فى مجال الدين