Sunday, April 5, 2015

National Islamic Organization in Egypt

They can not arrest any Bishop or priest of the Orthodox Church in Egypt. Islam should not  be loose religion as now in Egypt but must have governing organization of Imams from every mo7afzah in the country away from any government control. This is a must.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Azhar university leaders have become propaganda puppets for government.

Ancient picture of mosque.

The Azhar university leaders have become propaganda puppets for government.
إليكم الموقع الرسمي لرابطة العالمية لخريجى الأزهر
الأزهر ,الإسلام ,شيخ الأزهر ,الإمام احمد الطيب ,نتائج امتحانات جامعة الأزهر,الرابطة , المنح الدراسية,نتيجة الثانوية الأزهرية,نتيجة الاعدادية الأزهرية ,الدراسات العليا , azhar ,...